12 Questions to Help you Declutter and Simplify Your home

Looking to declutter and simplify your home? Over time, stuff tends to accumulate in our homes and take up unnecessary space. For example, old bills and papers, clothes and shoes we never wear, and random knick-knacks, just to name a few. These things can pile up and leave us feeling totally stressed and overwhelmed.

What are the benefits of decluttering?

Taking some time to declutter can be so beneficial, not just so our homes look neat and organized, but also to improve our mental health! Am I the only one that loves the feeling of tossing things away?

There is just something so satisfying about getting rid of it all! Sometimes it can even feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders that you didn’t even know you had. It makes me feel clear headed and calm knowing that I’m being intentional about my space and what’s in it.

How do you know what to keep and what to throw out?

It isn’t always easy to know what stuff to keep and what stuff to throw! Have you ever caught yourself saying, “Well, I might need this random thing someday, so I should hang on to it just incase!” And then it goes into a drawer or the back of the closet where it’s forgotten about and never seen again. I know I have!

So I wanted to put a list together of 12 questions to ask yourself when decluttering your home. These decluttering questions will help you decide whether or not to keep an item or to throw it out. It’s important to be realistic and honest when answering these questions.

1. Does this item help me or improve my life somehow?

2. Have I used this in the past month?

3. Is this taking up a lot of space?

4. Does it align with my morals and values?

5. Is it really something I’m going to miss?

6. Is it something that’s aesthetically pleasing and matches my style?

7. Am I holding on to this item because of its sentimental value?

8. Did I remember I even had this?

9. Is this item worth the space it’s taking up?

10. If I saw this in a store, would I buy it right now?

11. If I really needed this item at some point, could I easily borrow/buy a new one?

12. Can I give this to someone who needs it more than me?

I hope these decluttering questions are helpful when you’re deciding what to toss and what to keep. I’d love to know: Do you enjoy throwing things out? Let me know in the comments below!

Check out: 10 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Find More Happiness

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Questions to help you declutter and simplify your home.