5 Powerful Mindfulness Tips to Live More in the Present Moment

Do you ever find yourself zoning out, dealing with brain fog, or like your living life on autopilot?

It’s easy to get stuck in the same old habits and routines and lose focus of the current moment. A big culprit for me has been technology.. I used to spend hours scrolling on social media or watching Netflix.

While technology can be so amazing (I’m a blogger- of course I love technology!), it still can distract you and take you away from the current moment.

Technology is just one thing that can take you out of the current moment. Other common things I’ve seen (and experienced myself) include worrying about things you can’t control and burying yourself into work and being busy.

When you’re brain if focused on worrying about the past or the future, it’s impossible to be here in the present moment. And when you’re burying yourself into work, you’re too busy to notice all the great things right in front of you! Can you relate?

Before we get into some tips to live more in the present moment, let’s first think about what it really means to live in the present moment.

What does it mean to live more in the present moment? Can you think of a time in your life you were really living in the present moment?

For me, I instantly flash back to my trip I took to Italy a couple years ago. I remember standing on the mountains of Cinque Terre, looking at the pastel houses and gorgeous, blue sea. I think of the sunshine and the gelato and how magical and elevated I felt.

Living in the presentmoment
Me in Italy

I was living in the present moment because I was truly absorbing all of my 5 senses.

I was bringing my awareness to focus on the things I could smell, see, taste, hear, and feel. And that’s really the key to living more in the present moment!

Keeping that in mind, here are 10 tips to help you live more in the present moment:

1. Look for Reasons to Be Grateful Everywhere you Go

Gratitude is a powerful force. As you go throughout your day, find little things to be grateful for. Maybe it’s the delicious lunch you ate or the pretty little flowers in your garden or a smile from a stranger.

You don’t need some huge thing to feel grateful. You can cultivate gratitude from the simplest things.

Not only does gratitude help you live more in the present moment, it can also help you shift out of a negative mood. It’s impossible to be upset and feel grateful at the same time.

Gratitude Journaling can be a really effective way to make it a habit. I think you’ll love the gratitude prompts I have below!

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    2. Appreciate the Beauty Right In Front of You Without Wishing Things Were Different

    If you’re into personal development, you probably love to improve different areas of your life, like me. Maybe you often look for ways to become happier or improve your mindset or live more in the present moment. It’s amazing to want to improve yourself and your life.

    But it’s also so important to practice acceptance, especially self-acceptance. How would your life be different if you stopped focusing on things you want to change about yourself or your life, and instead focused more on appreciating what’s in front of you right now?

    3. Anchor into your Positive Feelings

    Another powerful way to live more in the present moment is to really anchor into your positive feelings as they come up.

    When you’re feeling high-vibe, calm, and amazing, allow yourself to truly feel it in the depths of your bones.

    The more you can anchor into those positive feelings, the easier it’ll be to come back to them again and again.

    4. Surrender to your worries about the future

    As someone who commonly overthinks things, I totally get this one. But it’s important to ask yourself, are my worries really serving me? Usually all worrying does is take you out of the present moment and make you miserable.

    Overcome your worrisome thoughts by first bringing awareness to them and then giving yourself a reality check. Usually the things we are most worried about, never even happen! And if they do, trust that you are strong enough to deal with them. You are an overcomer and you have survived 100% of your bad days.

    5. Let go of the past

    Going over the past and over and over is a definite way to live outside of the present moment. If you made a mistake or got in a fight with someone, it’s time to let that sh** go! Holding grudges and feeling bad about things that have happened in your past will only hold you back.

    Give yourself permission to let go of the past so you can truly embrace the present.

    I hope you found these tips helpful! For more valuable tips delivered to your inbox, make sure you sign up below!

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    5 Practical Tips To Live More In The Moment