The Two-Minute Morning Gratitude Ritual That’s Transformed My Mindset

You know how people are always talking about gratitude and the importance of being thankful for what you have?

Whenever I read gratitude quotes on Pinterest or heard a self-help blogger talking about gratitude, I always thought, “Well, yeah, of course I’m super grateful for everything I have.” Even though I felt like I was grateful, I wasn’t actually practicing gratitude regularly.

Well, several weeks ago I started a new morning ritual and it’s shifted my mindset in such a positive way and so I really wanted to share with you incase it can help you too.

Each morning as soon as I wake up, before I even check my phone, I’ve been saying out loud 5 things I feel grateful for.

It’s such a simple practice, almost so simple you might not think it’s worth doing. BUT it’s honestly so powerful.

Instead of waking up and instantly thinking about everything I need to do that day or grabbing my phone to check emails, I’m giving myself a moment. A moment to reflect, a moment to remember everything I have, and a moment to shift my mindset and start my day in a positive way.

Why does gratitude make us happier?

So often, especially in the personal development space, we are looking for ways to improve ourselves and our lives. We focus on the fact that we want to lose weight, or ace a test, or make more money. While striving to grow and become better is amazing, it can also cause us to focus on what we’re lacking.

On the quest to lose weight or become healthier, you may begin feeling bad about you’ve got now. And in the process of trying to make more money, you may begin focusing on the fact that you lack money. And in the process of trying to become happier, you might begin focusing on the fact that you’re not as happy as you’d like to be.

Gratitude shifts our perspective and helps us remember to appreciate everything that’s right in front of us.

I always say personal development needs to start from a place of self love and gratitude! Without that, you’ll find yourself burnt out, with low self esteem, and unhappy.

If you’re ready to try this ritual for yourself, you can download my free morning gratitude worksheets by signing up below!