Living with less, minimalism

10 Mental Health Benefits of Living with Less Stuff

Do you find yourself living with lots of material possessions, clutter, and things you honestly just don’t ever use? Maybe you’ve got a closet full of clothes you hardly touch or a cabinet full of kitchen supplies you’ve never used.

Over time, stuff tends to accumulate in our lives and take up space. The things that at one time we just had to have, we lose interest in and end up forgetting in the back of the closet to collect dust.

A few years ago, I noticed a correlation between my mental health and what my physical space looked like. If my space felt cluttered, disorganized, and messy, that’s how my brain felt too. The more stuff I had, the more overwhelmed, disorganized, and stressed I felt.

I started learning about minimalism, and felt really drawn to that lifestyle of living with less. I started cutting back on the amount of clothes I buy and decluttering my apartment. When I did this, I began to realize the things in life that I value most, and my focus began shifting towards my love for experiences, and not things.

It’s not that I never buy material possessions anymore, but I try to be really mindful and intentional when I do. I ask myself decluttering questions like, “Do I really love this item?” and “Am I going to get a lot of use out of it?”

While I wouldn’t consider myself a minimalist and I still own probably more than I should, shifting my focus to owning less has truly changed my mindset for the better! I feel calmer, happier, and more organized than ever. Living with less has helped me focus less on things that don’t matter to me, and more on things that do.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by everything you own, I highly encourage you to try living with less. Here are 10 mental health benefits of doing so!

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. You’ll feel less financial stress

Saving money is a huge benefit of living with less- and if you’ve ever felt stressed out about money, you know how much that affects your mental health! You’ll have extra money to save to pay off debt, pay your bills, and spend on experiences that would improve your life.

2. You’ll feel more organized

It’s so much easier to get organized when you have less material possessions. And having an organized space leads to a more organized mind!

3. You’ll feel calmer and more relaxed

I know that for me personally, I have a hard time relaxing when the space around me is a cluttered mess. Can you relate? When you live with less, you’ll find it easier to relax and have peace of mind.

4. The quality of the items you own will increase

I totally believe in quality over quantity! It’s better to own a few, high-quality items that you love, rather than a bunch of low-quality items you don’t like that are taking up space. I’m all about doing things to raise your energetic vibration and I think owning just a few, high quality items is a great way to do this!

5. You’ll feel happier in your home

Every time I declutter and simplify my apartment, I fall in love with it a little bit more. It feels more homey, more comfortable, and I feel happier being in it.

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6. You’ll feel more in control of you life and surroundings

When you’re being intentional about your space and what you keep in it, you’ve got total control. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by all these different items, you’ll feel empowered knowing that everything in your home was your choice.

7. You’ll feel less distracted

More stuff=more distractions. When you live with less, you’ll be less distracted and more able to focus on what you need to focus on. Whether it’s hobbies you’re interested in, building a business, or creating healthy habits, you’ll be more productive with less distractions.

8. You’ll have more time & for things you love doing

Living with less stuff means you won’t need to spend as much time or energy cleaning or organizing! You’ll be able to use that extra time and energy towards other things you love doing.

9. You’ll spend less time getting ready in the morning

When you live with less clothes, shoes, and accessories, the choices for what to wear become much easier to make. You won’t spend much time in the morning trying to figure out what to put on- since everything in your closet will be things you love.

10. You’ll experience more freedom

Material possessions can hold us down. When you own a lot of things, you have the responsibility of taking care of those items. The less things you have, the more free you’ll feel!

Learning to live with less can have really incredible effects on your mental health. If you ever feel overwhelmed and mentally exhausted because of all of your material possessions, I invite you to try simplifying your possessions. What do you love and what can you get rid of? By becoming intentional about the things you buy, you’ll feel empowered to take control of not only your home, but your mental health too!

Are you interested in living with less? Why? Let me know in the comments below!

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The benefits of living with less stuff