self improvement exercises

Ultimate Personal Growth: 25 Daily Self Improvement Exercises That Take Less Than 5 Minutes

If you want to improve yourself and your life, consistency is key! But it doesn’t need to take hours and hours a day. Even just spending 5 or 10 minutes focusing on a couple of self improvement exercises can result in lasting, positive changes.

Do you strive to become:

  • Happier
  • Healthier
  • Calmer
  • More intentional, self-aware, and smarter
  • More motivated and productive
  • More energized and rested
  • Less anxious and stressed

Self improvement is a life-long journey and process. It’s a process full of getting to know ourselves better, take action towards our goals, and become more aligned with our core values and beliefs.

But it can be hard to know what steps to take to actually improve your life. How do we actually become smarter, healthier, and happier?

To answer those questions, I created a list of 25 daily self improvement exercises that will take you less than 5 minutes each. We all have the same amount of time each day, but it’s how you choose to spend that time that will determine your outcome.

So if you have even just a few minutes to spare each day, choose to spend your time trying some of these personal development exercises. Although they are small, over time they will add up to the positive and lasting changes you wish to see in your life!

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. Practice deep breathing

Practicing even just a few minutes of deep breathing every day can help to reduce stress, improve your posture, improve your digestion, and help you gain mental clarity. According to Harvard University, deep breathing for many of us feels unnatural. Since having a flat stomach is considered attractive, many people tend to hold their stomach muscles in. This actually leads to shallow breathing.

When our breathing is shallow, our lungs and diaphragm don’t get enough oxygen. This can lead to increased tension, stress, and anxiety. Practicing deep breathing can help reduce that tension and help us feel calmer and more relaxed.

How to put it into practice: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Slowly breathe through your nose while counting to 7. Feel your chest and lungs expand and rise. Hold the breath for 7. And then slowly exhale the breathe for 7. Do this several times until you feel more calm and relaxed.

To bring it a step further, you could even say little mantras in your head such as “I’m inhaling success and exhaling doubt” or “I’m inhaling confidence and exhaling negativity”.

2. Create a morning ritual

Do you ever feel like rushed in the morning without enough time to really relax and take time for yourself? Choose a few small activities to do each morning that feel healthy, productive, and make you feel good! Here are a few ideas:

  • Write in a dream journal
  • Make a to-do list full of goals for the day
  • Read a few pages of a book
  • Drink some water or tea
  • Meditate

Rituals help set the tone for the rest of your day. If you’re starting your day out rushed or stressed out, that’s probably going to carry into the rest of your day. But if you’re creating time for activities that make you feel energized, happy, and grounded, that’s setting yourself up for a successful day!

3. Journal your thoughts, feelings, and ideas

If you have a few minutes to spare, grab your journal and do a little brain dump to clear your mind and organize your thoughts. Writing in an incredible way to process our feelings, whether it’s an argument we got into, a new idea we have, or some negative feelings we’ve been experiencing.

Practice writing it all down without passing judgement. You could even crumple it up and throw it away when your done!

If you’re new to journaling, I highly recommend trying out the wildly popular bullet journal. It’s a journal full of little dots making it easy to create organized and aesthetically pleasing journal entries. You can even use them to doodle, create lists, and keep your life organized in one place.

bullet journal for self improvement
bullet journal

4. Repeat positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are powerful sentences you can repeat to yourself. They serve as empowering reminders for anytime you need a boost of inspiration and positivity. Repeat them for 5 minutes before bed, in the morning when you wake up, during your commute to work, or in a moment of anxiety or stress.

  • “I am keeping an open mind and embracing the changes happening in my life”
  • “I am strong, smart, beautiful, and capable of anything thrown my way.”
  • “I am full of divine energy, wisdom, and happiness.”

Over time, positive affirmations will train your subconscious brain to believe these statements to be true. So rather than turning to negative thinking, you’ll start to automatically come back to these empowering statements. They can help you build self-esteem, confidence, and happiness.

5. Make reading a habit

Even if it’s just 5 minutes a day, make reading a habit! Read the morning news, read a few pages from a book, or read a magazine. Reading helps us learn new words, improve our understanding on different subjects, activate our imaginations, and so much more.

If you’re looking for book suggestions, check out the best books on the law of attraction and the best books on simple, mindful living. Reading self-help books like these serve to give us new inspiration and wisdom from others.

6. Do a social Media Audit

If you are like most people, you probably spend a good amount of time on social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, you’re probably consuming tons of videos, pictures, and information. While this can be a positive thing, it can also be a major time and energy suck.

Not everything on social media is positive and most of it is honestly a waste of time! If you’ve ever found yourself in the comparison trap on social media, you’re not alone. Spending too much time on social media can cause us to feel overloaded, negative, and jealous.

Putting it into practice: If you have 5 minutes to spare, do a quick social media audit. Notice who your following on social media and ask yourself, “Am I gaining anything from following this person?” If all you feel is negativity, then it may be time to delete that person. Go through your social media and keep only the accounts that help teach you something or make you feel inspired and good.

7. Spend 5 Minutes Decluttering

How much do you own in your home that’s just taking up unnecessary space? I’m talking old papers, random knick knacks, books you’ll never read, kitchen supplies you’ll never use, etc.

Decluttering, even if it’s just five minutes of organizing and throwing stuff away, can make a huge difference in your home and mental state.

I always say, when your home is clean and organized so is your brain! If you’re space is looking chaotic and messy, chances are your brain will feel that way too.

Putting it into practice: Choose one drawer, one closet, or one countertop to focus on each day. The trick is focusing on one small space instead of trying to tackle it all at once. Go through each object and decide if you’re going to throw it away, donate it, sell it, or keep it. Be realistic with yourself and ask yourself decluttering questions, such as “Have I used this in the past month?” and “Does this object serve me in any way?”

8. Set an intention each morning

Take five minutes in the morning to set an intention for your day or for your week. What would you like to work on? What is it that you need? Maybe you want to focus on connecting more with loved ones. Or maybe you want to work on a specific goal like getting more exercise or studying more.

Having an intention for your day or week gives you something productive to focus on and makes it more likely you’ll make progress in whatever area you decide to choose.

9. Make a gratitude list

Expressing gratitude is a really powerful way to feel happier. When we are focusing on all that we appreciate and feel thankful for, we are getting into a high vibrational energy. Being in this positive energy makes us more solution-focused and more likely to attract even more positivity into your life.

On the other hand, if you’re only focusing on what you lack and what you don’t have, your going to be in a low vibrational energy. This can lead you to feeling bad about yourself and taking things for granted.

Putting it into practice: Take 5 minutes and quickly jot down everything you feel grateful for. If you don’t want to write, you could even just say these things out loud or in your head. You could start basic by expressing gratitude for your home, your family, and your job. You could also get more broad by thinking about specific experiences, lessons you’ve learned, and trips you’ve been on.

10. Do a mindful body scan

A body scan is a powerful mindfulness technique meant to help ground you in the present moment and improve your self awareness. It can help bring awareness to any aches, pains, or tension in your body. It can also help you get in touch with your body’s needs. For example, if your thirsty, tired, or in need of some stretching.

Putting it into practice: Start by sitting or laying in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Turn your focus towards your toes, becoming aware of any sensations you feel. Notice the temperature of your toes, the texture of your socks, and any other sensations you feel. Slowly move up, scanning your entire body until you get to the top of your head. Notice each body part and how it feels in that moment without judgement. By the time you’re done, notice if you’ve learned anything new about your body!

11. Improve Your Body Language

Did you know body language is a really powerful tool to change not only the way others perceive you, but also how you perceive yourself? When you’re standing tall with your shoulders back and your head up high, not only do you appear more confident, but you also feel more confident too!

When your in a confident pose, also known as a “power pose”, it sends signals to your brain that you’re feeling confident and sure of yourself. Even if your not feeling particularly strong or confident, changing your posture, can bring a positive shift to your mindset. So if you have a minute or two throughout the day, notice your body posture and correct it.

Putting it into practice: Relax your posture so you aren’t too tight or rigid. Take up some space by slightly spreading your legs or arms. Give a firm handshake and hold eye contact. Lean in while people are talking to show your interested.

12. Plan healthy meals ahead of time

Many of us want to be healthier, but struggle finding the time and motivation to properly care for our nutrition. Eating a healthy, nutrient dense diet is incredibly important for our wellness, but actually putting it into practice can be hard. Even if you just have a couple minutes to dedicate to this, spend your time thinking ahead to healthy meals you can plan for the day or the week.

Make a list of healthy snacks and meals you love, and keep the list nearby for your next trip to the grocery store! Having these ideas mapped out ahead of time can help prevent you from ending up in the drive-through line or snacking on chips because it’s all you got!

13. Make a list of go-to inspirational podcasts

Listening to podcasts is an amazing way to learn new skills, develop your self awareness, and get inspired and motivated! I love listening to podcasts in my free time, like during a walk outside or during my commute to work. There are so many amazing podcasts about personal development, self care, goal-setting, and more that’ll help make this self improvement journey so much better!

Putting it into practice: Grab a piece of paper or create a document on your phone and start a list of go-to podcasts. These can be podcasts you listen to when you have free time or when you’re feeling in a funk, and just need some positivity! A couple of my favorites include Ruth Soukup’s Do it Scared Podcast and Cara Alwill Leyba’s Style Your Mind Podcast. Both serve up fresh perspectives on self improvement for women and I highly recommend them!

14. Sit in nature and tune into your 5 senses

This is an easy one you can do anywhere outdoors. If you can’t get outdoors for this, it can be equally as powerful inside too. When we tune into our five senses, we become fully aware in the present moment. If you’ve ever felt prone to brain fogginess, zoning out, or too much time looking at a screen, this exercise can be particularly powerful.

Putting it into practice: Sit down, close your eyes or soften your gaze and bring awareness to your five senses. Simply notice your surroundings by asking yourself the following questions: What do I see right now? What do I feel right now? What do I smell right now? What do I hear right now? What do I taste right now?

15. Send a love note

Improving yourself and your life is not a journey to take completely alone. When we focus on uplifting others, passing on random acts of kindness, and expressing gratitude for others, it’s truly a win-win! Not only will you brighten their day, but you’ll also feel amazing for bringing positivity to someone else.

So write someone a short love note. You can do this by sending a text message, writing a handwritten note, or sending an email telling someone how much you love and appreciate them.

16. Make a celebration list

This was an idea I got from Cara Alwill Leyba (whose podcast I mentioned above). A celebration list is basically a list of all of your accomplishments and things you’re excited about in your life. So often when it comes to personal development, we are focusing on goals and things we want to achieve and change in our lives. We can forget to make time to celebrate our wins, no matter how big or small!

Put it into practice: Grab a piece of paper and create your list of celebrations for the day or the week. Maybe you got out of bed and went to the gym. Maybe you spent time reading a book or doing something to indulge in self-care. Whatever it is, if you feel good about it, write it down!

17. Drink water

There are so many health benefits to staying hydrated! It flushes body waste, keeps your skin and hair healthy, improves your joints, and so much more.

While there’s no perfect amount of water to drink, it’s important to listen to your body. If you feel thirsty, drink! I don’t really go anywhere without my reusable contigo water bottle. Keeping a water bottle nearby at all times helps me remember to stay hydrated and prevents dehydration.

18. Reframe your negative self-talk

How do you talk to yourself? What does that inner-voice sound like and is it gentle, loving, compassionate, and kind? If not, try being more in tune with that self talk. Next time you notice yourself thinking a negative thought about how you look or how you act, try reframing it into something more positive.

Give yourself the same kind of patience and understanding you give others! How you talk to yourself shapes so much of your actions and your life.

19. Pack healthy snacks whenever you leave the house

To improve your health, keep easy and quick snacks on hand at all times. Any time you leave the house bring along some snacks incase you get hungry. This will prevent you from making unhealthy choices while out and can even save you money. A few ideas for healthy snacks are pieces of fruit, nuts, healthy granola bars, carrot sticks, and rice cakes!

20. Become Aware of Your Energy

I believe we all carry around an energy with us depending on how we’re feeling. If you’re feeling jealous, grumpy, or uninspired you’re going to carry around a negative energy with you. On the other hand, if you’re feeling optimistic, kind, and grateful, you’re going to carry around a positive energy.

Of course, as we flow through different moods and go through different experiences, our energy is going to shift. But if we become too “in our heads” and not focused enough inwards, we can become oblivious to the kind of energy we are carrying around. Taking a few minutes every day to self reflect and notice our energy can be really helpful.

Putting it into practice: Try some mindful journal prompts to get in touch with the deeper parts of yourself! Asking yourself these questions can help you understand yourself better and feel empowered to shift your mindset and change your energy.

21. Write down your goals

If you have a few minutes to spare, write down some goals you have for yourself. A few categories to think about are fitness, career, money, lifestyle, and relationships. When you’re thinking about goal setting, consider creating SMART goals. If you’re unfamiliar to the SMART goals, they basically state that goals should be specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely. Follow this guideline to create short and long term goals.

Busy week? You've got this!

22. Pause and think before acting

Have you ever said something you regretted? Maybe you said something that wasn’t very nice because you were angry in the moment. Or maybe you agreed to a task before really thinking whether you wanted to do it. Or maybe you even answered, “good!” when someone asked how you were doing, only because it was the automatic thing to do and not because it’s the answer you wanted to share.

Pausing for a just a moment to think before you speak or act can help you become more honest and authentic. It can help build trust in your relationships, help you act in alignment with your values and beliefs, and help you make smarter choices.

23. Practice letting go of what you can’t control

If you want to become a calmer, happier person, learning to let go of what you can’t control is crucial. But like most things, it’s easier said than done!

If you’ve ever struggled with anxiety or stress, you were probably thinking about a situation where something could go wrong. For example, I’m going on a huge trip to Asia in a couple of weeks. I’m so excited, but at the same time I’m full of anxiety. If you’ve ever experienced travel anxiety, you know what I mean! But there’s really no point in me think thoughts like, “What if the plane crashes?” or “What if I lose my passport?” These thoughts are only going to cause me to feel stressed.

In this situation, it’s best for me to practice letting go of what I can’t control. While some amount of anxiety could be healthy and productive, most of it is really only going to make things worse!

24. Visualize your dreams coming true

Visualization is a powerful self improvement exercise many life coaches and psychologists talk about. When we see something, we are more likely to believe it. Visualizing the details of what you want to happen can help us believe it’s actually possible.

Even elite athletes like Tiger Woods and Larry Bird have used the power of visualization to envision success and help them improve their coordination and skills.

According to HuffPost, the reason visualization works lies in actual science. The neurons in our brains, also known as the cells that transmit information, can’t discern imagery from real-life. Basically, when we imagine something happening, our brain can’t always tell if it’s imagined or if it’s real. When we visualize our successes happening over and over, we gain confidence because it begins to feel familiar and attainable.

25. Practice Empathic listening

Empathic listening is one of the best social skills to develop. Being able to listen empathically will improve your relationships, help people trust you, and will help you understand others better. Many of us are guilty of listening to others just so we can reply with our own thoughts and opinions! It takes self awareness and self control to hold back your impulse to talk, and to truly focus on what the person is saying. But over time, as you practice this skill it will get easier and will improve all of your relationships.

Put it into practice: To do this, try listening closely to what the other person is saying to you. Fully listen, without distractions and without trying to decide what your going to say back. Try reflecting back what they said, which is basically repeating it back to make sure you understood and to take the conversation deeper. Respond with empathy and show the person that you are willing to try and understand their experience and what they’re describing.

To recap, self improvement is a lifelong journey. If you’re looking to improve yourself and improve your life, I truly believe is the key is having consistent habits. Over time, these habits will result in lasting, positive changes.

You don’t necessarily need to spend hours every day trying to become smarter, healthier, more productive, or calmer. Any time you have 5 minutes to spare, choose one of these activities to focus on. Just doing simple exercises like the ones above can make a huge difference over time!

Which self improvement exercise stood out to you the most? Let me know in the comments below!