3-Step-Process to Release Comparison and Step into your Personal Power

Hi, if you’re new here, welcome!! My name is Ashley and I’m an intuitive mindset & transformation coach and the founder of Lovely Holistic Living. 

Comparison is a topic I feel really passionate about because I know so many people struggle with it. I know what it’s like to look at somebody else’s life and then begin to question your own. For me, it usually happens while looking at social media.

You might start thinking thoughts like, “Why aren’t I as happy as them? Why aren’t I as successful as them? Am I behind?”

Sound familiar?

I’m SO excited to share this 3 step process for releasing comparison. These are all the tips that have really helped me release comparison and the tips that have truly transformed the lives of my private coaching clients! (learn more about 1:1 coaching HERE)

Step 1: Bring awareness to your inner-dialogue

When you start comparing yourself to others, what are the thoughts that cross your mind?

By bringing your awareness to what the actual thoughts are, you’re able to begin reframing them. So notice without judgement, what thoughts are crossing your mind.

For example, maybe you’re thinking thoughts like, “I’m not as smart” or “I’m behind”.

Next, I want you to ask yourself if these thoughts are really true. Is it true that you’re really behind? Is it true that you’re not very smart?

Chances are, these are just limiting beliefs and they are far from the truth!!

Next decide what you’d like to believe instead. What’s a more empowering beleif that you can replace the negative belief with? Maybe you can decide, “I’m really smart in my own way” or “I’m exactly where I should be.” Below are a few positive affirmations you might find helpful!

Positive affirmations for remaining in your power:

  • I am on the right path. 
  • Everything is working out for me in the right time.
  • I’m in the perfect place. 
  • I am unique and powerful in my own way 
  • Comparison is pointless because we’re all on our own journey

Step 2: Remember that you’re triggers are here to teach you

In any instance where you have a strong emotional reaction, there’s a lesson there for you to learn. So for example, if there’s one girl on Instagram who you constantly find yourself comparing yourself to…. ask yourself: Does she have something I want? Am I comparing myself to her because she has something I don’t believe I can have?

For example, I recently found myself comparing myself to another coach on Instagram. And when I followed this process that I’m teaching you, I realized this: That she was really confident and I felt like I wasn’t as confident.

So I asked myself, is it true that I’m not as confident? I realized, no, I can be as confident as I choose to be! And then I asked myself, Does she have something I want? And I realized that I actually want to become more confident! So in the end, it wasn’t about her at all. It was about my fears about what I might lack.

Here’s the truth: Our triggers can teach us what we desire. Instead of being mad at yourself for getting stuck in comparison, how would your life be different if you chose to take each experience as a lesson to learn from?

Step 3: Turn your comparison into inspiration OR take some distance to remember your personal power

You could go in two different directions here and this one is really up to you! One isn’t better than the other. It just depends on what you feel like would be most beneficial to you.

Option number one: Ask yourself, is there a way I can turn my comparison into inspiration?

Maybe you can reach out and try to learn from them. Or maybe you reach out and compliment them on the thing you wish you had. When you flip comparison into inspiration, you totally flip your mindset into a more empowering place!

Option number two: If you’re not ready for number one or number one just doesn’t make sense in the situation you’re in, then take some distance. It might be a good idea to take a step back and remember all of the reasons why you’re actually super amazing.

Taking a step back might look like logging off Instagram, unfriending someone on Facebook, or doing a social media detox for a bit. Or it might be doing something to distract yourself for a bit so you can get out of your head.

I love suggesting to my coaching clients to make a celebration list. Take a few minutes to write all of the reasons why you’re amazing! Doing this can be such a great reminder and it feels really good too.

I hope this 3-step process was helpful to you!! Make sure to opt into my email list below to get access to my free mindset library! I can’t wait to connect with you. XO, your mindset coach, Ashley.