5 practical tips to embody the confident goddess you truly are

If you were more confident, how would your life be different? What would you do? How would you feel? What would you be capable of?

Dream big girl, because what you imagine for yourself is possible!

I truly believe: Confidence comes from continuing to take one step forward at a time outside your comfort zone, even when you’re scared or unsure of where it’s going to lead.

There have been so many times in my life where I did something so far outside my comfort zone… and it ended up being the catalyst for incredible growth, transformation, and confidence.

Like deciding to move from my tiny town to a big city for college where I knew no one. Or the time I sang in front of an audience of 30,000+ people. Or even the moment I decided to start my website and become a mindset coach!

To me, these moments all felt SO huge and wild, but realizing I could get through them is what gave me so much confidence.

You can do it too. Whatever it is you desire. Starting a business, writing a book, even just walking down the street feeling good in your own skin. Girl, it’s time to OWN IT. It’s time to validate YOURSELF. It’s time to RISE UP and embody the confident goddess within you.

(If you’re craving some 1:1 support, guidance, and accountability, go ahead and book a free 20 minute clarity coaching call with me. I’d love to learn about you and help you gain insight and clarity on what you desire in life and your next steps.)

Here are 5 tips for you to live with more confidence:

1. Take aligned action, even when you’re scared

What would the more confident version of you do? Maybe she would enroll in a new course or program. Maybe she would speak up for herself more boldly. Or maybe she would try a new hobby or put herself out there more often. The most important thing though is not just to take action, but to take aligned action.

To know if something feels aligned, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it feel expansive?
  • Does it feel exciting?
  • Does it feel like something the next-level version of you would do?
  • Does something about it feel “right” even if you’re scared?

If you’re feeling fear around doing something new, know that that’s normal. It’s your brains job to keep you safe so it’ll often send you fearful or anxious alerts, even when you’re not in any actual danger.

Confidence is moving through the fear anyway and knowing that the version of you on the other side is worth it. 

I challenge you to take one small step this week doing something that feels aligned and also a bit outside your comfort zone. This is where true confidence begins to grow. If you’re feeling fear, trying keeping in mind these 2 questions:

  • What’s the worst case scenario?
  • What’s the best case scenario?

Most of the time, our fears won’t ever come true! And just imagine how amazing it’ll be when the best case scenario is what actually happens.

3. Have empowered and positive self-talk

The way you choose to talk to yourself and about yourself is SO powerful. Are you choosing language like, “I can’t”, “I shouldn’t”, and “I can’t change”?

OR are you speaking to yourself with an open mind and loving heart? It makes a huge difference. 

Anytime you catch yourself starting to doubt yourself or speak with judgement towards yourself, gently correct yourself. No need to be hard on yourself or feel guilty for having the negative self talk. Simply just notice it and choose to think something more empowering and loving instead.

4. Form an unshakeable belief in yourself and your abilities

Even when you experience self-doubt, remember that you are meant for your desires. Nothing you desire is too out-of-reach for you. You get to create the life you want and know that it is yours. 

To begin believing this more often, take time to celebrate yourself for each and every accomplishment. Sometimes I suggest to my coaching clients they create a celebration list! A celebration list is a great way to acknolwedge every positive thing you did today. I love creating these at the end of every month. Most often, we’ve accomplished so much more than we realize.

Recognizing our strengths and accomplishments help remind us of how amazing we truly are which helps us believe in ourselves!

5. Know what you want in life and OWN IT unapologetically.

You want to write a book? You want to start a business? You want a family? It’s time we let go of the “should’s”, the rules, and the expectations, and truly own what it is WE WANT. Ask yourself: If I wasn’t scared of judgement, rejection, or what others thought of me, what would I do? 

What would you do if you had more confidence? How would it feel? How would your life be different? Confidence is not something only some people have. It’s something anybody can have with some practice and intention. You’ve got this!

(If you’re craving some 1:1 support, guidance, and accountability, go ahead and book a free 20 minute clarity coaching call with me. I’d love to learn about you and help you gain insight and clarity on what you desire in life and your next steps.)

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