Take a breath, girl. 5 reasons you don’t need to have it all together

As busy women, we often feel like we need to have it all together. There are so many expectations in our society about who we are supposed to be and what we are supposed to do to be “successful” or “happy”.

We need to have an education, need to have a good job, need to have a good family, need to be making money, need to be healthy, and the list goes on.

All of these expectations are exhausting.. and they just aren’t true!

This is a post for the girl who needs the reminder that she doesn’t have to have it all together. You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.. at least not all at once. Here are 5 reasons it’s ok to not have it all together:

1. Your self care needs to be priority

If you constantly feel stressed out, busy, or overwhelmed, do you truly feel successful? True success comes when we are taking care of our wellness; mind, body, and soul.

Are you doing things each day that help you feel calm, happy, and grounded? Are you making time for fun, exploration, and silliness? Are you taking breaks to rest and relax your mind?

If you’re not prioritizing your self care, it’s only going to lead to burnout and exhaustion. And if you’re feeling burned out and exhausted, you’ll never be able to operate at your best.

2. Seeking support and asking for help is essential

We don’t live on this earth alone and we were not designed to do everything by ourselves. There is no shame in asking for support!

Even if you don’t have people in your immediate surroundings who can help, there are tons of resources online.

For example, I run a free Facebook group called The Intuitive Self Care Sisterhood. It’s a safe space for women to come together and support each other on their self care journeys! (I also provide daily tips and education on topics like self care, mindfulness, and mindset. Come join us!)

Another way to find support is through listening to podcasts, reading books, and hiring a coach or therapist.

When I first started my online business, I felt so much pride in the fact that I was self-taught. I had never paid for a course or a coach to help me.. but when I finally started investing in myself, everything changed. There are so many people willing and able to help you.

I offer 1:1 coaching and would love to work with you. For more information and to book your free discovery call, please see my coaching page HERE.

3. Creating boundaries are necessary

If you’re trying to have everything together, your boundaries are probably suffering. As a former people-pleaser, I know what it’s like to want to please everyone all the time.

But having clear boundaries are essential for your wellbeing. Creating boundaries might look like turning your phone off at a certain time, saying no when you don’t want to do something, or simply walking away from a relationship or conversation that is toxic.

When you raise your standards and create clear boundaries, you are showing respect for yourself and creating more space/time for YOU! You don’t need to be available to everyone all the time!

4. Life should include fun

If your constantly worried about having it all together, you’re probably not making much room for fun. But what’s life if we aren’t having a good time?! Try letting go of resistance, surrendering control, and going with the flow.

When you let go of the struggle and the resistance, you free yourself up to have more fun! Ask yourself: In what ways can I have loosen up and have more fun? In what ways can I go with the flow and bring a child-like silliness into my life?

6. You define your own success

It’s time to let go of the fear of what other people think of you. On the outside, it might feel nice to appear “put together”, but what’s more important is that you feel successful.

And you get to define success on your own terms? Spend some time thinking about what success means to you. Does it mean you are happy? Does it mean your spending time having fun and spending time with family? Does it mean you have a lot of money?

Forget about what other people say about success and focus on what you want for your own life... after all, that’s what really matters!

To learn more about working with me in 1:1 self care coaching, book your free 20 minute discovery call with me HERE. I can’t wait to get to know you, honor you, and guide you more deeply!