5 Ways to Validate Yourself & Fully Trust Your Own Judgement

Lately I’ve been really think a lot about the concept of seeking validation from others. It’s something I never really thought a lot about, but recently I realized I do it a lot! And I know I’m not the only one.

It’s only natural for us to want other people to say, “good job!” or “you look great!” or “Yeah, I think that’s an awesome idea!”

It feels really good to get approval and validation from others, right? But relying on other people’s opinions too much can pull you away from listening to your own intuition.

Here’s a powerful question to think about: When you’re thinking of making a decision, like maybe you’re considering writing a book, going on a new diet, or buying a new outfit… Do you usually go to other people and rely on their feedback, or do you trust yourself and your judgement?

Also, by the way- there’s totally nothing wrong with asking other people what they think. I do it all the time and it can be helpful to get feedback from people you trust.

But are you waiting for other people to give you permission to do something? Are you letting other people’s opinions override your own intuition?

I want to remind you that only you know what’s best for you.

Here are 5 tips to help you start validating yourself more often:

1. Take action-

even when no one else supports you. Start writing the book, creating the business, trying the new diet, enrolling at the school… even if no one around you gets it. If you’re heart is calling you to something, it’s there for a reason. Follow it. Listen to it. Take action.

2. Talk nicely to yourself. 

Give yourself compliments. Say positive affirmations. Be gentle and kind with yourself the same way you would talk to a friend or a child. Often, we are our own worst critics!

3. Spend more time looking within. 

Journal. Meditate. Use oracle cards. Get in nature. Be still. Be silent. Tune into your body and get curious about what it’s telling you. Trust your judgement and know that all the answers you’re seeking outside of yourself are truly within! Your intuition knows what’s best.

4. Celebrate each accomplishment- big or small!

Instead of waiting for someone else to congratulate you or tell you that you’re doing a good job, spend time appreciating yourself and all of your hard work. Smile, let yourself feel proud, and take it in. You’ve come so far. Even if all you did today was the laundry, that’s fine! Celebrate it because each small step adds up. You could even create a celebration list to write down everything you’ve accomplished today, this week, this month, or in the year. Writing it all down can be such a great reminder to let yourself feel proud!

5. Remember this:

No one knows or understands your world as good as you do. While it can be helpful to get the feedback and opinions of people you trust, know that in the end, your intuition and judgement knows what’s best for you. Trust yourself!

I hope these tips for internal validation were helpful! Join my email list and get access to all of my self care freebies below. I can’t wait to connect with you!