12 Powerful Ways to Build Confidence

If you felt confident 100% of the time, how would your life be different? Imagine if no matter where you went, you felt cool, calm, and collected. Imagine always appearing put together, smart, strong, and sure of yourself.

What would it be like to stop experiencing self doubt, anxiety, or nerves? There was no voice in your head telling you you’re not smart enough, pretty enough, or good enough. Imagine knowing your worth and remembering it every. single. day.

If you always felt confident, what would your life really look like?

I don’t know about you, but I always feel so inspired when I see somebody appearing totally confident and put together. Somebody who’s not afraid to speak loud and proud and just be themselves without holding back. Now I’m not sure if those people are truly confident 100% of the time, but wouldn’t it be nice to feel that way at least maybe 80% or 90% of the time?

Well I think it’s totally possible! Confidence is a trait you can work on, practice, and refine. You’ll have your good days and your bad days (I know I do!), but as long as you continue working on it, you’ll see progress over time.

I wanted to share a list of 12 things to build your confidence. These are things that have really helped me and I think they’ll help you too.

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. Keep an open body stance

Body language is HUGE when it comes to confidence! When you’re arms or crossed or your hands are in your pockets, you may appear to be nervous or closed off. Keep an open body stance by relaxing your body, keeping your shoulders back, and facing towards people as they talk.

2. Hold eye contact

Eye contact with others, especially those you don’t know well can feel kind of awkward or uncomfortable. Push through that uncomfortable feeling and try holding eye contact for a few seconds longer than normal. When you do this, it can actually help you feel more comfortable and confident.

3. Trust yourself

Sometimes I lose confidence because I get nervous that I might say or do something embarrassing. For example, I might say something that doesn’t make sense or I might say a joke that no one laughs at. What I’ve realized is that trusting yourself is so important! When I just relax and trust my instincts without overthinking it, I’m so much smarter than I realize.

4. Dress for Success

Wear clothes that make you look and feel confident! It’s really amazing the power clothes have on our appearance and the way we feel about ourselves.

5. Keep your shoulders back and chin up

Even if you’re instinct is to slouch or cross your arms, resist the urge and make a mental note to keep your shoulders back and chin up. One trick could be every time you go to take a sip of water throughout the day, remind yourself to check your posture.

6. Go out of your comfort zone

This is probably the best way I’ve learned to build my confidence. Do something that scares you, something that’s wayyy out of your comfort zone. Maybe it’s attending an event, meeting new people, or trying a new hobby or class. Imagine your comfort zone as if it was a bubble around you. Each time you do something outside of your comfort zone, your bubble expands.

7. Channel your inner Beyonce

Channel your inner Beyonce, or whoever it is that you admire for their confidence. This is a great way to practice faking it till you make it. In a moment where you’re lacking confidence, think to yourself, “How would *blank* be carrying themselves in this situation right now?”

8. Get your life organized

It’s a lot easier to be confident in life when you feel organized. If you need some ideas to organize your life, check out 8 Things to do on a Sunday to Organize your Whole Week.

9. Speak positively about others

Confident people don’t tear other people down. Speak nicely about others, and the old elementary school saying still rings true as an adult. “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all!”

10. Smile at others

Smiling is a great way to spread those positive vibes. Smiling also sends signals to your brain that your happy, so even if you weren’t feeling happy before, you’ll start to feel happy now.

11. Relax and be mindful

Practicing mindful breathing techniques can help bring you into the present moment and feel relaxed. Learn more about mindfulness by checking out my article, What is Mindfulness? +7 Easy Ways to Practice it Daily.

12. Love who you & embrace yourself

Spend more time loving yourself! You are unique, amazing, and full of strength and power. Remind yourself of that even in moments where you don’t feel so confident.

Confidence is a trait you can continue to build on and practice each day. You may not feel confident 100% of the time, but with practice you’re confidence will grow over time. I hope you found some of these confidence tips helpful! What was your favorite? Please let me know in the comments below!

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12 powerful ways to build your confidence.

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