5 Ways To Embrace Your Divine Feminine Energy and Feel More In A Flow

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Have you ever experienced a time in your life when things felt like they were flowing effortlessly, good things were coming into your life, and you felt generally happy and aligned? Well during that time, you were probably embodying your divine feminine energy!

As little girls we are full of divine feminine energy. For the most part, we are free flowing, silly, happy, carefree girls. And as we grow older, society starts sending us messages that we are too emotional or obnoxious. So we tone it out, we dim our light, and we start embodying more masculine energy. Can you relate to this at all?

It’s difficult to define exactly what feminine and masculine energy means, but I’ll share my personal take on it. Everyone’s take is different.. this is just what makes sense and feels right for me, but keep in mind it might be different for you.

Divine feminine energy is all about following your your intuition, going with the flow, doing what feels good, being empathetic, and being abundant. Divine masculine energy is all about serving, protecting, being assertive, hustling, and working hard.

Both are important and we all have aspects of both. But as a woman living in today’s world, I feel like it can be easy to start embodying more masculine energy and lose touch of your feminine energy. When you lose touch of your feminine energy, you start to become burned out, tired, and no longer in a state of flow.

(If you’re interested in this topic, I highly recommend a book called Rise Sister Rise. It’s seriously so good!)

Here are 5 ways to embrace your divine feminine energy if you feel like you’ve lost touch of it.

1. Get creative

In what ways do you like to be creative? What creative activities do you do that feel effortless, fun, and cause you to lose track of time? Maybe it’s making art, writing, singing, interior decorating, or cooking. Most likely, when you’re in that state of mind, you’re fully embodying your divine feminine energy.

You’re following your intuition as you create something, you’re enjoying the process, and you’re having fun.. all important aspects of divine feminine energy!

2. Try physical movement

Moving your body is another amazing way to spend time embracing your divine feminine energy. For me, dancing and doing yoga are two things I love that make me feel more connected to my feminine essence. When you move your body in a fluid way, you’re opening up your heart, being creative, and you’re ready to receive and attract abundance into your life.

3. Practice self care

When you’re in a more masculine energetic state, you’re probably hustling, working really hard, and forcing things to happen for you. All of this can lead to stress which can lead to burnout.

The best way to treat burnout or prevent it in the first place is to practice self care. Taking baths, eating healthy food, setting boundaries, practicing mindfulness, journaling, and spending quality time with loved ones are all great ways to practice self care.

4. Follow your intuition

I believe we all have an intuition, especially as women, and trusting it more can help you be more in a feminine energetic state. When you trust your intuition, you are willing to take risks, go with the flow, and listen to your body.

When you’re in a more masculine energetic state, you might be overthinking, over-analyzing, or getting overwhelmed thinking about results. Someone who is in a more feminine energetic state is going to be more open minded and probably have more peace of mind.

5. Let go of what you can’t control and trust the process

Lastly, another way to embrace your divine feminine energy is to release what you can’t control.

Are there things in your life that you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed about? Are there friendships that aren’t serving you? Are there social media accounts that only bring you down? Are you in a job where you’re only focused on the end result?

When you let go of what you can’t control and you start to go with the flow, I think usually you find that things work out in the end. Trusting the process and trusting myself have both been game-changers in my life and I think they could be in yours too.

I hope you found these tips helpful for embodying your divine feminine energy! In what ways would you like to embrace it more? Let me know! I’d love to hear from you.