Self Care for Burnout: The Best Ideas to Feel Re-Energized

Have you been losing your energy lately? Feeling stressed, tired, or like your running on an
empty tank? You might be experiencing burnout. When you’re under constant stress and aren’t
taking care of yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally, it’s only a matter of time before
you start feeling burnt out.

When you’re burnt out, you have almost no motivation to do simple tasks, you feel too tired to
care about things you once cared about, and you begin to feel irritable, angry, or just downright

As a grad student and personal development blogger, I know what it’s like to experience the
stress of trying to balance it all.. school, work, internships, family, friends, hobbies, and all of
life’s responsibilities. With so much to do all the time, self-care hasn’t always been at the top of
my to-do list.

At times in my life, it’s felt easier to just skip the yoga session and reach for an unhealthy snack.
Or say “yes” to doing another task, when I know I’m too tired. Or skip my meditation practice to
focus on doing more work.

But what I’ve realized is that self care is essential! Have you ever heard the saying, “You
can’t pour from an empty cup?” I’ve realized that if I’m not taking care of myself, mind, body, and
soul, then every other part of my life is going to suffer!

When you’re burnt out and not practicing self care, it can negatively impact everything from your
relationships, to your health, to your happiness.

So if you’re feeling burnt out, what are the best self care practices to re-energize and get back to
feeling like yourself?

Prioritize Rest

In order to gain your energy back, you’ll need to prioritize rest. To do this, you could create a
healthy night time routine with calming activities to help you unwind and relax before bed. Here
are a few ideas to include in your night time routine:

● Choose an earlier time to go to sleep and be consistent with that time
● Shut your electronics off an hour before bed
● Listen to a guided meditation to help you fall asleep
● Drink warm tea
● Read a chapter from a book

Move your body

When your exhausted, the last thing you probably want to do is move your body. But research
suggests that exercise can actually boost your energy. I know that for me, on the days that I
work out, I have more energy, more mental clarity, and I feel happier.

In addition to boosting your energy, exercise is also a great way to de-stress. Here are a few
ideas to move your body:

● Go for a walk, jog, or run outside
● Try doing yoga (with Yoga WakeUp of course!)
● Lift weights at the gym
● Dance
● Try a fitness class
● Meditate

Make a list of activities that give you energy

When you’re feeling burnt out, your energy is probably drained and you’re finding it difficult to
gain motivation. Since everyone gains energy in a different way, it’s a good idea to think about
the activities that help you recharge. One way to do this is by determining if you’re an introvert
or an extrovert.

If you’re an introvert like me, you recharge best by spending time alone. If you’re an extrovert,
you recharge best by surrounding yourself with others. And if you’re somewhere in between?
You’ll need to strike a balance!

Here are a few ideas to get you started if you’re an introvert:
● Find a quiet space away from other people during your lunch break at work
● Block out a time in your schedule to spend time taking a bath or doing a simple activity
you enjoy
● Cancel plans to go to a social gathering if you don’t have the energy for it

Ideas for if you’re an extrovert:
● Plan a morning to go out for brunch with your best friends
● Host a game night
● Get tickets for a concert or show that you love

Practice mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness techniques can help you become more present in the moment, help you
stay calm in stressful situations, and help decrease the symptoms of burnout. Here are a few
ideas to get you started with mindfulness:

● Practice taking slow, deep breaths.
● Go for a nature walk and become aware of your five senses. Count 5 things you can
see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell, and1 thing you
can taste.
● Try some mindfulness journal prompts. Writing can be a powerful way to become aware
of your thoughts and process them.

Seek a support system

Having a strong support system can be especially helpful if you’re struggling with burnout.
Having others to talk to, spend time with, and lift you up when you’re feeling down, can make a
world of difference! If you feel like you’re lacking a strong support system, here are a few ideas
to create a stronger one:

● Think about the friends you spend the most time with. Are they supportive, loving, and
respectful of you? If not, it might be time to reassess your relationships. Sometimes
creating distance in unhealthy relationships is needed for your mental health.
● Seek an online community. Luckily, we live in a time where it’s easier than ever to
connect with others from around the world! There are lots of Facebook groups and
internet communities where you can connect with like-minded people who share similar
● Seek out inspiring books, podcasts, and blogs. On days that I feel burnt out, I find so
much joy in reading inspiring books or listening to podcasts! They can quickly turn a bad
day into a good one.

So if you’re beginning to feel burnt out, remember that self care is essential! I hope these ideas
help you re-energize, feel positive, and ultimately, make you feel like your best self.