5 Ways to Set Boundaries & Protect Yourself From Negative People

Ok, let’s talk negative people. We all know them, right? People who complain every chance they get or people who make rude and uncalled for comments.

It’s true that there are people in this world who walk around with a negative energy and who prefer to live life in a “glass half empty” state of mind.

Being around negative energy can feel really difficult, especially if you’re a more positive person. Have you ever been in a great mood, but then someone with a negative attitude comes along?

I was in this situation recently. I woke up in a great mood, the sun was shining, and I was ready to have a beautiful day. But the person I was spending time with? Well, they weren’t in as great of a mood. All of a sudden my optimistic attitude started to turn south.

I quickly realized I was letting them control my emotions. So instead of allowing their negativity to make me spiral into a bad mood, I made the choice to distance myself. I took a break from them, went for a walk, put on my favorite music, and layed out in the sun. A little while later, we came back together and things were alright.

The reason I’m sharing this? It’s really easy to let the negative energy of other people dictate our moods. But I want you to remember that you’re always in control of your emotions. Below I’m sharing 5 ways to set boundaries and protect yourself from negativity.

1. Don’t take things personally

This one is huge! Often times when someone is emitting negative energy, it’s not about you, it’s about them. For whatever reason, they are in a bad mood and they are letting it out on you. Maybe they had a bad morning, or got some bad news, or are in a fight with someone close to them.

These reasons don’t excuse them from being negative, but it’s so important to remember it’s not about you. Usually it’s because of something going on in their personal life.

Your first reaction might be to get defensive or to be negative back. I find that remaining kind, although difficult, is usually the best route.

2. Clean your social media

Ah, social media. People love to complain and spread negative energy on Facebook and Instagram and all over the web. As you’re scrolling, you’re taking it all in, even if it’s subconsciously consuming. You’re taking in somebody’s catty comments or somebody’s complaints about a bad day.

I definitely feel the negative effects when I spend a lot of time scrolling on social media. I find myself starting to get irritated, jealous, and annoyed- all feelings I don’t want to feel!

Every once in awhile I like to clean out my following list. Ask yourself, “Is this person inspiring me, teaching me, or making me happy?” If the answer is no, I consider removing them from my feed.

Search for new people who inspire you and are achieving the kids of goals and dreams you’d like to. For example, if I’m super into fitness, I love following other girls who are into fitness. If I’m really into spirituality, I like to follow accounts who teach about it.

There are so many inspiring role models and leaders to follow online, so why waste time following people who make you feel bad?

3. If something doesn’t feel right, say “no”

This can be a difficult one, especially if you’re a people pleaser. I’ve struggled being a bit of a people pleaser all my life and it’s something I’m always trying to be mindful about. As a people-pleaser, you may find it hard to set boundaries and say no in fear of hurting the other person’s feelings.

While it can be a great to be so caring and empathetic, it can also end up hurting you because you put others people’s needs before your own. That’s why it’s important to listen to your intuition and create boundaries when something doesn’t feel right.

Besides verbally saying the word “no”, you might choose not to text back or even choose to physically walk away from a situation.

This could also mean declining an invitation to go out or deciding that you’re not going to answer emails after 9pm. Although setting boundaries can feel difficult, they are usually what’s best for you and your mental health.

Sometimes it’s just not worth it. In order to protect your own energy, setting that boundary and saying “no” can help you reclaim your energy and happiness.

4. Practice self-awareness and mindfulness

These two are huge and can help you keep calm and think clearly. Self awareness is being totally aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions and how they all work together. If someone’s being negative, you can use self awareness to monitor yourself during the situation. You can ask yourself questions like, “How is this person making me feel right now?”, “Why am I feeling this way?”, “What’s the best way I can move forward in this situation?”

When you have self awareness, your less likely to say things you don’t mean or react in a way that you regret. Having self awareness allows you to move forward gracefully and intentionally.

Mindfulness goes right along with self awareness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, right here and right now. It’s using your five senses to ground you and slow you down. Mindfulness is helpful in easing anxiety, calming you down, and helping you practice gratitude for the life right in front of you.

5. Spend time in self care

I’m a huge advocate for self care! It’s so important that we make time for activities that light us up, spark our joy, and give us energy. What makes you feel good? What makes you feel beautiful, healthy, and high-vibe?

I love spending time in nature, listening to my favorite music, taking baths, journaling, using face masks, and reading.

Self care is especially important when you’re dealing with people who are negative. Negative people can drain your energy and cause you to feel burnt out. If this is the case, taking some time to care for yourself is incredibly important.

I hope these 5 tips were helpful. There’s always going to be negativity in the world, but you don’t have to be a victim to it. Take your power back, set the boundaries you need to set, spend time being self-aware & mindful, and practice self care! You’ve got this!