How to follow your intuition & allow your dreams to evolve with you

As humans, we are constantly evolving. So it only makes sense that our goals and dreams are evolving too!

But I think sometimes in our society, there can be this type of belief that says, “It’s not good to change your mind. If you choose a job path, you’re supposed to stay in that forever.”

Or, “In your life, you need to do only what’s realistic and logical.”

And to be honest, to me, this way of thinking is outdated and just not true!

Here’s what I believe: I believe life is supposed to feel good and that our desires are meant for us and that if you have a dream to do something with your life- then it’s your responsibility to make it happen!

On my journey towards discovering who I am, what I love to do, and what my soul purpose is, here’s what I’ve learned:

  • It’s safe to trust yourself and your intuition
  • This is YOUR life. You know, deep down, what’s best for YOU.
  • It’s ok to let your dreams and goals evolve. You don’t need to stick with something you don’t like forever just for the sake of “sticking with what you know”.
  • It’s safe to go outside of your comfort zone and take a leap into something new

So, how can we actually continue to trust ourselves, trust our intuition, and give ourselves permission to evolve?

In this video, I give you the pep talk you need!

We cover:

  • How and why to trust your intuition
  • How to allow your dreams to evolve
  • How to release fears of what others think of you
  • A bit about my personal story with trusting my intuition and how it led me to discovering my soul’s purpose

Your Homework:

As a mindset coach, I LOVE to give little journal prompts and exercises to my clients to help them actually take action. So here are your journal prompts to do after watching the video:

  • Removing logic or what feels “realistic”, what is it that I truly DESIRE to do with my life?
  • If I had no fears, what would I do?
  • Do I have a hard time trusting myself? Why?
  • If I had everything I wanted in my life, how would I feel? How would I act?
  • What are three small action steps I can take in order to live in more alignment with my true soul’s purpose?

I hope this video and the journal prompts are helpful! I’d love to hear from you and hear how the journal prompts went and any takeaways from the video.

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