gratitude journal prompts

12 Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts + FREE Printables

Expressing gratitude every day can have such a powerful effect on your life. It can shift a negative mindset into a positive one, make you feel happier, and bring you into present moment awareness!

Don’t forget to grab your free gratitude journal printables at the bottom of this page!

What makes expressing gratitude so powerful?

Expressing gratitude is a great reminder of everything in life you have to be thankful for. It’s a reminder of all of the personal qualities you possess, people, the material things, and opportunities that you have in your life.

It can be so easy to forget all that we have! When we aren’t actively expressing gratitude, we can easily get into a negative mindset where we take for granted all that we have. This can get us into a space where we are focusing on what we lack, rather than what we have.

Have you ever found yourself saying something like, “I hate my stomach” or “I wish *blank* was different about the way I look.” Struggling with body image issues is super common, especially among us women. But what would happen if you turned your focus into gratitude?

What if you started saying something like, “Thank you body for supporting me and giving me the ability to walk and to move”?

Rather than focusing on all that we want to change about ourselves and our lives, practicing gratitude reminds us to appreciate everything we already have.

Expressing gratitude, especially in the form of a written gratitude journal, helps remind you of all of the positivity within your life. And when you’re thinking positively, it’s easier to attract even more positivity into your life!

Get your gratitude mindset started with these 12 gratitude journal prompts!

Don’t forget to grab your FREE gratitude journal printables at the bottom of this post!

1. The people I am most grateful for are:

2. My favorite things about myself are:

3. I am grateful for my home, neighborhood, and community because:

4. I am grateful for my strength in getting through a difficult time when:

5. The best thing that ever happened to me was:

6. 3 physical possessions I’m grateful to own are:

7. I am most grateful for these 5 foods:

8. Five things I feel most grateful for in this moment are:

9. I am grateful for my body because it:

10. Three lessons I’m grateful to have learned are:

11. I am grateful for this earth we live on because:

12. Three opportunities I’ve had that I feel grateful for are:

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