10 Ways to Practice Mindfulness at Work

How much time do you spend at work each week? And of that time, how much is spent feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or rushed?

Workplace stress is incredibly common and can leave you feeling totally burned out if it’s not managed. I work with kids so trust me when I say, I get it! There are only so many times you can repeat yourself to a kid before wanting to scream and EXPLODE!

Luckily, I’ve discovered the incredible benefits of mindfulness. It’s helped me learn how to stay calm and patient in those situations where I just want to freak!

Practicing daily mindfulness at work can help you feel calmer, grounded, and relaxed. I also love mindfulness for the way it helps me feel more present and aware in the moment. If you’ve ever felt prone to zoning out, or losing track of time, mindfulness can help bring you back down to earth. I hope you find these 10 ways to practice mindfulness at work helpful!

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. Take mini mental breaks

If you can, take mini mental breaks throughout the day. This can be especially helpful if you stare at a computer each day or are feeling stuck. Just for a minute or two, close your eyes or take a quick walk to let your brain rest and reset. When you come back, new ideas might surface and you might see your task from a new angle or perspective.

2. Try out occasional body scans

Our bodies are constantly sending us signals about what they need, but we get so busy or zoned out that we can totally ignore these signals. That’s why I love body scans.

Close your eyes and start at the tip of your toes. Slowly bring your awareness up through each part of your body and notice the sensations of each part. What is the temperature of each body part? Is there any pain? What sensations do you feel? You might notice your neck is stiff, or you need a drink of water, or you need to change the position you’re sitting in. It’s funny what we notice when we actually pay attention.

3. Eat lunch and snacks mindfully

When we eat mindfully, we increase our awareness of what we’re actually putting in our bodies. How many times have you just grabbed a bite to eat and scarfed it down while working, or during a quick lunch break?

To eat more mindfully, chew slowly and savor each bite. Taste every flavor and think about the nutrients that you’re giving your body. Mindful eating can prevent us from over eating and can even prevent us from gaining excess weight!

4. Practice breathing exercises

Throughout the day, bring awareness to the breath. A simple breathing exercise I like is one where I breathe in for 5 seconds, hold it for 5 seconds, and exhale for 5 seconds. Doing this for a few rounds can decrease your heart rate, release tension in your body, and help you feel more relaxed.

5. Think before you speak

If you work around other people, practice thinking before you speak. Especially if you’re stressed or angry. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and then speak when you have a clear mind. I know that if I never paused to think first, I’d probably say some pretty rude things once in a while!

6. Spend time in nature during breaks

Instead of spending your break in the break room, get outside and find a park bench or picnic table. I’ve made it a habit to get to work about 15 minutes early and just sit outside facing the sun. I don’t have constant access to nature because I live in the city. But closing my eyes, feeling the sun and wind, and listening to the birds chirping always get’s me in a positive and relaxed mood.

7. Keep a journal close by

Keep a journal close by at work to jot down ideas, thoughts, and emotions. If something troubling happens at work like a fight with a coworker, or a mistake you made, turn to your journal to reflect. Sometimes these things happen and we never get a chance to process what happened. But journaling about it can give you the opportunity to come to a clearer understanding of what happened.

8. Focus on one task at a time

As humans, we love to think we are great at multi-tasking but studies show we really aren’t. Get focused on one task at a time, rather than jumping around to a bunch of things at a time. The quality of your work will be much better.

9. Practice mindful awareness

Have you ever been searching everywhere for something, and then realize it’s right in front of your eyes? We tend to stop seeing the things that are right in front of us. I want to challenge you to look at your surroundings as if you were looking at them for the first time. If you have a desk at work, take a look at the objects you have on your desk and in your drawers. Observe closely and note the little details of each thing. What do you notice? What do you like, or dislike?

You might realize there are things you have forgotten about, or simply never even noticed!

10. Practice mindful affirmations throughout the day

Affirmations are meaningful sentences you repeat over and over in order to train your brain to believe something. They can be really effective, especially when you have action to go along with them. Check out 16 Bed Time Affirmations + Free Printable.

Although work can be stressful and overwhelming, practicing mindfulness can help you get calm, feel grounded, and feel present. To recap, (1) take mini mental breaks, (2) try mindful body scans, (3) eat lunch and snacks mindfully, (4) practice breathing exercises, (5) think before you speak, (6) spend time in nature during breaks, (7) keep a journal close by, (8) focus on one task at a time, (9) practice mindful awareness.

I hope these mindfulness tips for work were helpful to you. Let me know below if you have any questions or comments!

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