Ep 57: A BTS look at changes I’ve been making to my business model

In today’s episode, I’m sharing a behind-the-scenes look at some of the changes I’ve been making to my business model and why. 

Every once in a while, it’s really healthy to look at the big picture of your business and reflect on questions like, “What’s working here? What’s not? What’s feeling good in my business? What’s not?” 

In this episode, we chat: 

✨ The moment I knew I wanted to re-imagine the long-term vision for my business 

✨ Why it’s normal to go through a dip and a “messy middle” when you’re tearing things down and re-building them in your business (and how I navigated this)

✨ Messaging tweaks, offer tweaks, and more that have felt really good for me to change up 

If you loved this episode, send me a DM on Instagram letting me know what part really spoke to you. I love hearing from you.

@ashleyrachelcoaching>>> The Soul Inspired CEO Collective is now open for enrollment! This is my on-going community for coaches ready to go from hobby biz owner to real CEO and create $3k months and beyond. CLICK HERE to learn more and join us.