5 Steps to Overcoming Perfectionism and Embracing Your Imperfect Life

Do you struggle with perfectionism? Girl, I am right there with you. I know what it’s like to want to get everything right, to never make mistakes, and to only want to put your best foot forward.

But what I’ve come to realize about perfectionism, is that it can be really dangerous. It can cause you to compare yourself to others, feel horrible for making a mistake, and give you serious anxiety! It can even prevent you from taking any action at all, just because you’re too scared of getting it wrong. That’s why overcoming perfectionism is the best way to actually find success and happiness.

When I first started this blog, I wanted to do everything right. I wanted to create a perfect aesthetically pleasing layout, with perfectly well-said posts, and perfect photos. I wasn’t willing to release anything into the world that didn’t feel absolutely perfect.

But guys, I can’t even begin to tell you how many mistakes I have made blogging! In fact, before I started this blog, I had a different blog where I wrote about travel. And when that failed, I created this blog where I started writing about fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.

And then, when that wasn’t working out, I finally realized what I really truly wanted to write about: personal development and helping other women simplify and create balance in their lives.

It has taken me a TON of trial and error to get to the point I’m at now, and to be honest, I’m still making tons of mistakes with this blog every day. But I’m learning to let go of the need to make it perfect. Because If I’m always striving for perfection, I’m never going to be happy.

So if you stress about being perfect, there are ways to overcome it and just let it go. These are the 5 steps that have personally helped me overcome perfectionism, and embrace my imperfect, and sometimes messy, life.

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. Remember that no one is perfect. Seriously, no one.

I used to spend so much time scrolling on Instagram obsessing over the lives of these seemingly perfect Instagram girls. They had the perfect outfits, went on these gorgeous vacations, and had a perfect relationship with a perfect boyfriend. It feels a little embarrassing to admit that I obsessed over them, but it’s true. I wanted my life to be that perfect!

But it’s so important to remember that social media is only just a highlight reel. You never actually see what’s going on behind the scenes. It’s so easy to compare ourselves and feel like everyone else is smarter, funnier, prettier, and richer than us. And then we start to feel like something is wrong with us. When in reality, nothing’s wrong with you! Beat to your own drum, go through life at your own pace, and remember that no one is perfect. Seriously, no one.

2. Know that mistakes are what help you grow.

Without making mistakes, you wouldn’t learn and grow! Remember my blog example? If I hadn’t made all those mistakes, I never would’ve realized how much I love writing about personal development. I’d probably still be writing boring posts on fashion. Sometimes you have to realize what you don’t like, before you can realize what you do like.

And if you’re never making mistakes, that means you’re never taking risks. I’ve found that some the most transformative life experiences I’ve had, have come right after taking a huge risk. A few years ago, I auditioned to sing the national anthem at Fenway Park in Boston. To my amaze (and slight horror), I was accepted and ended up singing it in front of 30,000+ people. It was WILD and amazing and I was pretty much on cloud 9 for weeks.

But it was a huge risk. And I could’ve completely crashed and burned. But if I hadn’t taken the risk, I never would’ve known I could do something like that! So take risks, make mistakes, and remember that doing things even when you’re scared are going to lead to the most growth.

3. Ditch the Analysis Paralysis and take action

Analysis paralysis is when you get stuck over-analyzing and over-thinking something to the point where you can’t even move forward with action. It’s the feeling I had when I was setting up my blog, trying to make it perfect. I was doing so much research and trying to learn everything I could. Finally, I just had to put it out there!

Wanting to get something right and wanting to do your best work is one thing. But when it gets to the point where it’s holding you back, you just need to ditch the analysis paralysis and keep moving on!

4. Don’t be afraid to bend the rules

I think perfectionists also tend to be rule followers. My favorite author, podcaster, and blog instructor, Ruth Soukup always says, “Rules are for suckers.” I think we as perfectionists, sometimes get stuck in this mindset that we need to follow all the rules. We forget that sometimes you need to question authority. It’s healthy to have skepticism and to think for yourself, without blindy following the rules just because someone else told you to.

It can feel really empowering as a perfectionist to bend the rules, or even break them! Especially when they don’t line up with your morals or values. For me, creating this blog felt kind of like breaking a rule, or at least bending one. While there’s no rule saying you can’t start a blog that generates a full-time income, it is definitely outside of our society norms. But it’s my goal, and it feels good to strive for something that’s a little different and unconventional!

5. Trust the process

As a perfectionist, it can be really hard to let go of the need to be perfect. We like to be in control and make sure things are right, all the time. But we don’t need to do it all and we don’t need to have it all figured out. Trust the process, trust the timing, and trust that everything will work itself out, even if it’s not perfect.

Because if you’re always striving for perfection, you’re never going to be happy! So continue to do your best, but remember that (1) no one is perfect, (2), mistakes help you grow, (3) ditch the analysis paralysis, (4) bend the rules, and (5) trust the process! I hope these steps to overcoming perfectionism help you embrace your imperfect life. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a comment or question below!

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