What to Do When You’re Having a Bad Day to Feel Better Fast

Wondering what to do when you’re having a bad day? Is it one of those days where you’re in a bad mood, things just keep going wrong, and you’re stuck feeling totally blah?

I’ve definitely had those days where one thing goes wrong and then bad things just keep happening. In fact, I was feeling that way recently!

I had gotten in an argument with someone, and then later someone said a comment that really annoyed me, and THEN I lost my apartment keys (only to realize days later they were in my purse the whole time!). It was just one of those days. You know what I’m talking about!

It may feel like you’re day has no hope of getting any better. Your negative mood just feels like it’ll last forever and it might feel like nothing can make you feel any better. That’s why I wanted to share a few ways to turn around a bad day. I hope these ideas help change your mindset from negative to positive and make you feel better. It’s not always easy, but with a little persistence, you have the power to change around your day!

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. Get Outside Into Nature

If you can, get up and go for a walk outside. The fresh air, sunshine, and nature always makes me feel a million times better. You might be tempted to just stay inside if you’re having a bad day, but pushing yourself to get up and go outside can really change your whole day around. I love to put my headphones on and listen to music or an inspirational podcast too!

2. Talk about it with trusted friends or family

Sometimes we just need to vent, and that’s ok! Tell a trusted friend or family member about your mood and talk it through. Having someone else hear you and offer a new perspective can be really helpful.

3. Move your body!

Go for a walk, do some stretches, work out at the gym, or go for a bike ride. Moving your body will release those feel-good chemicals in your brain and instantly boost your mood! Plus it’ll get the negativity off your mind.

4. Practice Mindfulness to Relax & Find Your Center

Maybe you just got into a fight with someone, or you lost your keys like I did. When bad things like this happen, it can be hard to not lose your cool. You might be tempted to just scream or break down into tears. In moments like this, mindfulness has the power to keep you calm and grounded so you can think with a clear head. Check out What is Mindfulness? + 7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Daily.

5. Do an act of kindness for someone else

We can get so caught up in our own negative feelings that we forget there are other people struggling too. So channel your negativity into positive energy to help someone else! Maybe that means holding the door for someone, or offering a compliment. It’ll make that person feel good, and it’ll make you feel better at the same time.

6. Journal About it

Journaling can be a really powerful way to get all those emotions out of you and onto paper. If you’re upset with someone, write them a letter and you don’t even need to send it. Just the act of writing it can make you feel better! I love to write because it always gives me so much clarity on how I’m feeling and why.

7. Read a book or watch a show

Sometimes if you’re having a bad day, a little distraction can be helpful. Especially if you’re getting upset or angry and need a way to calm down. A good book or show can have the power to make you laugh, smile, and start to feel better.

8. Practice Gratitude

When I have a bad day, sometimes I start to get in the mindset of, “Oh great. What else could go wrong?” And when I start thinking like that, I start seeing the world in a more negative way. Normally, things that wouldn’t get under my skin start to make me feel annoyed or mad. Practicing gratitude can be difficult when you’re having a bad day, but it can be a powerful reminder of all of the positive things in our lives we have to be thankful for.

I created free printable gratitude journal prompts that I highly recommend checking out!

9. Practice self care and self compassion

I’m such a huge self care advocate! It’s so important to take good care of yourself, especially when you’re having a bad day. Enjoy a massage, eat a healthy meal, or invest in something you love. For some of the best self care ideas, check out 20 self care ideas for the perfect morning routine.

10. Remember that a bad day won’t last forever

At the end of the day, a bad day won’t last forever. If you’re not able to get out of your bad mood, it’s ok because you’ll be able to go to sleep, get some rest, and wake up to a brand new day. You’ll have a fresh start and new opportunities. Good things are always coming, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now!

I hope these ideas for things to do when you’re having a bad day were helpful to you! Sometimes all it takes is something simple like talking to a trusted friend, going for a walk outside, or practicing some self care. Other times, bad days are harder to turn around, and that’s ok because a day won’t last forever.

Let me know in the comments below what you like to do when you’re having a bad day! What makes you feel better?

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What to do when you're having a bad day.