trust your intuition

7 Powerful Ways to Tap into Your Intuition and Learn to Trust it

Following your intuition is something commonly spoken about in the personal development space, but what does it actually mean? And how do you tap into your intuition and trust it when you have no idea where to start?

Your intuition is that subtle voice in the back of your head that says things like, “This isn’t a good idea” or “It’s time to leave the job and find another one” or “You should really write a book”. It’s our inner guide, always giving us little pushes and nudges towards the life path that we’re meant to be on.

Last week, my boyfriend and I were searching to move to a new apartment. We finally found one for a great price in a great location and we started taking the steps to apply. But suddenly, I realized something didn’t feel right. It’s hard to explain what that feeling was, but I had a gut feeling that this wasn’t the right place for us.

A few days later we found our dream apartment, in an even better location for an even better price! And it had absolutely everything we wanted in an apartment, plus more! Following my intuition never felt better.

When you listen to your intuition, you’re going to attract all the right people, places, and experiences into your life. And when you’re not listening to your intuition? You’re going to feel stressed, stuck, anxious, and uninspired. Here are 10 ways to tap into your intuition and learn to trust it!

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. Recognize the difference between intuition vs. fear

Before you make a big life decision, you might hear a voice in your head creep in and say, “Maybe you shouldn’t do this.” It’s normal to start feeling nervous, anxious, uncertain, or fearful when making a big decision. But how do you know if these feelings are your intuition talking or just fear?

To make the distinction, really tap into that feeling. If you feel uncertain, like something isn’t right, it might be your intuition telling you you’re on the wrong path. On the other hand, if you feel uncertain because you’re scared of the unknown, it might be your fear talking. When you’re following your intuition, you’re going to feel positive, hopeful, and at peace with it, even if you’re also experiencing some nerves!

2. Stay in the feeling of empowerment

Was there ever a time where you followed your intuition and you turned out to be right? Maybe you had a feeling to go a certain place and then you ended up meeting your soul mate. Or you decided to go after a crazy dream, and it all worked out.

When you follow your intuition, you’re going to feel empowered, calm, peaceful, and in a flow. Little synchronicities will start popping up in your life and you’ll feel like things are constantly working out in your favor. In order to trust your intuition more often, remind yourself of how empowered you’ve felt in the past when you followed your intuition.

3. Be mindful of your full body experience

If you’re asking, “Should I trust my intuition?” try bringing mindful awareness to your full body experience. This means getting quiet with yourself and tuning into how your body feels and what your five senses are telling you.

One reason why mindfulness is so powerful in helping you trust your intuition, is because so often we get stuck in our heads. We overthink, we start telling ourselves limiting beliefs, and we start thinking negative and anxious thoughts. When you get out of your head and into your body, you’re able to overcome negative thinking and tap into your intuition.

My favorite way to practice mindfulness is by doing a body scan. To do a body scan, get in a comfortable position sitting or laying down. Close your eyes. Take several slow, deep breaths. Start by bringing your awareness to your toes. Notice the sensations you feel, the temperature, any aches or pains. Slowly move up to your ankles, up through your legs, and to each body part until you reach your head. Doing a body scan takes less than 5 minutes, can be done anywhere, and is a great way to bring awareness to your entire body.

4. Pay attention to who your surround yourself with

Who do you spend the most time with? Are those people supportive, loving, and caring? When you have an intuitive feeling about someone or something, it can be helpful to share those thoughts with people you trust. Especially if you’re feeling stuck and not sure if you should listen to your intuition. In the end, you need to listen to you and your gut feelings, but bouncing thoughts off of others could be helpful.

5. Put your trust in the universe

When you’re learning to trust your intuition, it makes it easier when you also trust the universe. I fully believe the universe is always guiding you’re towards your next path and where you’re meant to be. The universe is on your side and always wants you to succeed and be happy. That’s just my personal belief- but I think it’s a powerful belief that makes it easier to listen to your intuition and trust it.

6. Embrace the uncertainty and let go of control

We all like to feel like we’re in control of our lives and the decisions we make. But part of listening to your intuition is surrendering control. Sometimes you get that gut feeling to apply for a new job, or buy a house, or make a break in a relationship. And you’re not always sure what the outcome is going to be.

Uncertainty is scary and it’s a big reason staying in our comfort zones can be more tempting. But it’s easier to trust your intuition when you can release your desire to control everything. 

7. Stay Open Minded

Your judgement isn’t going to be right 100% of the time. Sometimes you’ll have a hunch about a person or a situation and turn out to be completely wrong.

Use your intuition as a guide, but remain open minded. Sometimes you’ll need to shift your mindset or change your mind about a situation and that’s ok. Be willing to shift and change if necessary. While your intuition can be a powerful inner guide, remember that like everything else, is not always perfect.

I hope this post was helpful in helping you learn to trust your intuition!

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