The 3 week self-study course to learn everything you need to attract and grow a community of ideal clients who LOVE your work and become repeat buyers!

Hi, love! 

I’m so happy you’re here.

This program is so much more than just “how to grow your social media following.” 

It’s a deep dive immersion into becoming more intentional with the journey you take your ideal client on. 

 From that first moment a new person finds your work online… 

To the moment they feel that sense of, “This woman GETS me. I need to work with her”….

To the moment they become soulmate client followers for life & repeat buyers…. 

This is a 3-week journey about bringing intention to EACH & EVERY step of the way. 

Because the truth is… it’s not just about getting more eyes on your Instagram page or followers on your email list.  

You could have thousands of people in your audience. But if you’re not attracting the RIGHT people, and you aren’t creating intentional pathways for them to pay you…. you won’t be making the sales you desire. 


  • Someone you’ve never seen before, sending you a DM out of the blue, asking about joining your highest level program
  • The *PING* of a Stripe notification from someone who just stumbled upon your Instagram page or your podcast, and then decided to buy THAT day 
  • Receiving more comments under your posts, “THIS resonates so deeply!” and knowing that your content is attracting the people who really need it *AND* it’s leading to sales 

What’s not required for this to happen more often:

An audience of tens of thousands.

 What is?

Knowing how to attract the RIGHT-fit people and designing an intentional journey that guides them to become a repeat buyer!

This is the work I’m SO excited to guide you through in the Grow Your Soul Audience Course.

Hi, I’m Ashley.

I used to think I needed thousands of people in my audience in order to hit my next income goal. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

Which is why when I first started as a self-love coach (before becoming a business coach), I threw myself fully into growing my email list. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
>>> Writing blog posts every day in between my classes and internships 
⁣>>> Creating TONS of freebies ⁣
>>> Learning everything I could about Pinterest and dedicating myself to a consistent Pinterest strategy 
⁣And in a way… it worked. ⁣⁣
I grew my email list to 10k subscribers in just over a year!
 But when I didn’t automatically start making thousands of dollars, I realized my belief of “More people = more sales” just wasn’t true.
I learned that you can grow an audience, but if you’re not growing an audience of the RIGHT people…. you’re not going to make the money. ⁣⁣

I went from making $500/mo with an audience of 10k email subscribers.  

To making $5,000+ a month with an audience of just 2k Instagram followers. 



 This is why I’m so excited to show you how to attract the RIGHT people and make more sales from your new AND existing people in your community.

The Experience:

Here’s the 4 phases I guide you through:

MODULE 1: Attract & catch the attention of your soul client 

In this module, we’re talking about the “HOW” behind initially attracting the kinds of clients who are ready to change, who have the money to invest, and who *know* they want to work with YOU! I’m sharing with you my exact Instagram, email, Facebook, and podcast growth strategies that have led to new people finding my work and then investing in my high-ticket 1:1 or mastermind shortly after.

MODULE 2: Soul resonance 

This is the phase of the journey where someone feels that deeper connection to your content, like, “This is speaking to me. She gets me. I feel this. This aligns with my values. I feel seen.” I’ll share with you specific ways you can create more of this effect in your content so that your people TRULY know you’re the coach for them. 

MODULE 3: Creating intentional pathways for them

Once someone feels that deeper soul resonance to your work, it’s important for them to have clear next steps on which of your offers is right for them to join. This is the module we’ll talk about creating high-value freebies, free masterclasses, simple funnels, and other ways for people to initially get to know your work, receive value, and pay you. 

MODULE 4: Becoming a soul community member

This is the phase of the journey where a person is a follower for life! They trust you, they become a repeat buyer, they refer their friends to you, and they just generally LOVE your work and everything you stand for! We’ll talk about how this happens, why this happens, and ways to facilitate this deeper connection for more people in your audience. 

Aside from the 4 modules outlined above, here’s what else we cover: 

—> How to consistently attract the types of people who are interested in working with you, who are ideal clients with the same values as you, and who are excited to pay you and invest in their transformation

—> Exploring what it would look like to show up more fully as YOU! And creating the kind of natural and authentic content that helps people know you’re the coach/mentor for them

—> How to create more eye-catching headlines and scroll-stopping content

—-> How to make more income through passive strategies. We’ll talk tripwires, add ons, upsells, and other strategies to make money that don’t actually require your live energy 

—> Mapping out your client journey from your free offers to your highest-tier offers 

—-> How to build deeper relationships with your existing clients and community! And simple ways to invite them to receive value and pay you this week 

—> The masterclass strategy that’s grown & nurtured my audience and led to more sales 

…. and more.


Here’s what you get when you join Grow Your Soul Audience

4 in-depth video trainings 

Originally recorded live, these 4 modules go deep into all of the above. 

Supporting journal prompts, exercises, and PDF’s to help you integrate the work 

What past clients have said…

"I've since quit my job and am now coaching full time!

“I don’t think I could ever express with words the impact that working with Ashley has had on my life! I’ve learned to trust my intuition, overcome fear, and balance strategy with creativity. I left her mastermind feeling grounded, healed, and totally confident in the future of my business.”

-Tori Lynne



“I love working with Ashley so much. She is incredibly talented at holding the space and meeting me where I’m at. As I’ve been transitioning into a new niche, it has been so helpful to have someone who could help me brainstorm and create offers that feel really good and exciting for me. She helped me navigate challenging situations that arose in my business & helped me step back into my power and show up with a more grounded energy. I love how transparent she is & asking her questions was one of my favorite parts of working with her just so I could see the inner workings of how she runs her business & carries herself as a leader. Couldn’t recommend her more!!!”

-Meleah Rose


"Working with Ashley 1:1 was one of the most transformational experiences I've ever had."

She helped me get clarity on for the direction I want to take my coaching business, the best ways to grow my audience, and how to do sales 10x more comfortably!”

-Sadie Jade



“After doing one of Ashley’s workshops, I created a post and within 48 hours, I received 3 “yes’s” from my soulmate clients ready to work with me and 4 more on my waitlist! Before, I was afraid to put myself out there. Ashley has helped me find my voice and show up as my true self online.”

-Rhonda Madrid


I am SO incredibly excited to support you in this work because I know what a difference it makes. 


The truth is: Your people WANT to pay you!


And if you’ve been telling yourself it’s hard to grow your audience, it’s time to shift that because they actually get to be SO SIMPLE! 


Your soul clients are looking for you. 


And if you know it’s time to show up more fully as you to attract for THEM, and then create an intentional path for them to pay you… this is for you.



The Investment

One payment of $555


Two monthly payments of $333


Most frequent questions and answers

YES! If you already have an audience but you know they’re not the right type of people, or you know you’re ready to become more intentional with inviting them into your offers — this is where you’ll do that! 

This is still for you, as long as you’re willing and ready to show up NOW to attract and grow the audience you desire!

We will be covering email marketing and it is recommended you start an email list if you don’t already have one. However, you will stay find incredible value in the social media strategies if email is not your thing. 

We don’t offer refunds or guarantees here. Trust yourself, back yourself, and jump on in! 

This was originally recorded live, but is now a self-study program! Upon enrolling, you’ll get access to the entire program inside our private course portal. 

A peek into some client wins & celebrations!