8 Things to Do on A Sunday To Organize Your Whole Week

Sunday is honestly such a great day of the week. On Sundays, I love giving myself permission to relax, run errands, and set myself up for a successful week. While Saturday’s feel like they’re made for fun and excitement, Sunday’s feel more like a day to refresh and refocus.

It’s a day of feeling grounded, accomplished, and ready for whatever is thrown my way in the week ahead.

If you’re like me, and love to feel organized and prepared for the week, having a Sunday routine can be really helpful. While my personal routine isn’t always exactly the same each week, there are a few things I try to make time each Sunday. Without doing these things, I usually end up feeling stressed, unproductive, and disorganized during the week.

Try these 8 things on your next Sunday to feel way more organized and ready for your week! You got this!

*I’m not a licensed mental health therapist. To find a professional, call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Betterhelp to get matched with a therapist for affordable online therapy anywhere, at any time. This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

1. Meal Prep

Meal prepping is such a great way to plan and organize your meals ahead of time. Meal prepping helps you eat healthier, spend less money on food, and save time during the week. Whenever I don’t make time to meal prep on Sunday, I usually end up totally frazzled and spending too much money at restaurants or takeout eating unhealthy food.

I’ve been using these Fitpacker Meal Prep Containers from Amazon for over two years! They’re great because they can be put in the freezer, microwave, and dishwasher. Plus, they are made in the US and are toxin-free.

Fitpacker via Amazon

Shop on Amazon

2. Check Your Calendar & Schedule

I always make sure to check my calendar and schedule to see if I have any upcoming appointments or meetings. This honestly saves me and prevents me from missing things or being late! Once in a while I’ll have an event that I completely forgot about, and double checking my calendar on Sunday serves as a much needed reminder.

Further, this is a good time to update your calendar or schedule if there’s anything you should add in for the week ahead. I recently got a bullet journal, and it’s been a great planner, scheduler, to-do list, and goal-tracker all in one! Plus, it’s totally aesthetically pleasing and who doesn’t love that?

3. Clean & Declutter

Sunday is a great day to clean and declutter your home! Pick up and throw away trash, organize your cabinets, sweep, clean surfaces, declutter your closet, etc. Even if you don’t have time for an entire deep cleaning session, just doing little bits here and there can make a huge difference and may help you feel less overwhelmed during the week.

If you’re ready for a big decluttering session but you aren’t sure where to start I have several questions to help you decide what to keep and what to toss! For example, ask yourself, “Does this item help me or improve my life somehow?” “Does this item align with my morals and values?” “Is it really something I’m going to miss?”

Thinking about these questions can help you take a good, hard look at the things you own. Most likely, you have a lot of things that you don’t use and that are taking up space. It can feel so amazing to say goodbye to all of that stuff, and create more open space for the things you actually love!

4. Check Emails and Text Messages

Do you ever open emails or texts and then completely forget to reply? I’m definitely guilty of this! Double check your texts messages and emails to see if there are any you missed. This is a good time to get caught up and reply to anyone you might’ve forgotten to. That way, you’re ready for a new week of messages and you’ll be able to avoid any awkward conversations or moments of, “Oops!”

Busy week? You've got this!

5. Do the Laundry

Even though doing laundry is kind of a chore, there’s something super refreshing about having clean clothes, towels, and sheets ready for the week ahead. I love that clean and cozy feeling of climbing into freshly washed sheets and blankets! Plus, how great is it knowing you have an entire clean wardrobe to choose an outfit from tomorrow?!

If you’re laundry room is looking a little cluttered, dysfunctional, or boring, it might be time for some practical organization ideas! While you’ll still have to do laundry, having an organized laundry room does make things much easier!

6. Check my Bank Accounts & Credit Cards

Even though you might rather avoid this one, checking your bank and credit card accounts regularly is a really good idea. I’ve downloaded the apps for my credit cards so I can check and see in real-time exactly what I’ve spent. This is helpful to make sure I’m not going over my budget.

Another reason it’s a good idea to check is because sometimes there are mistakes on your credit card or recurring charges you’re not aware of. If you’re not checking this regularly, you may totally miss it and end up spending extra money! So just pull out your bank app, scan the recent charges and your bill, and you’ll be all set!

7. Indulge in Self Care

If you want to make self-care more of a priority in your life, make sure to download the free printable self-care pack at the bottom of this post!

Sunday shouldn’t be a day entirely for errands and chores. Spending time for self care is super important for our mental, emotional, and physical health. Without regular self care, we risk becoming burnt out, overwhelmed, and unhappy.

Making sure you’re spending quality time relaxing and taking care of yourself. Maybe for you it’s taking a bath, going for a walk, or reading a book. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that makes you feel refreshed, energized, and above all, happy!

A few ideas for self-care products to buy:

8. Reflect on my Weekly Goals

Lastly, Sunday can be a good time reflect on goals you have for the week ahead. Personally, I like to plan for goals with my blog. Whether that’s deciding on an amount of blog posts for the week, Pinterest pins to post, or a new traffic number to hit, having goals helps keep my motivated and excited to move forward. Come up with just one or two realistic goals for the week, write them down, and decide how you’re going to make them happen.

I hope these 8 ideas were helpful and make you feel grounded, prepared, and inspired to have the best week you can possibly have.

I’d love to hear from you. What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday? Let me know in the comments below!

Hover over the image below and hit “save” to pin it on Pinterest for later!